There is HOPE
Scoliosis is a disease characterized by the abnormal sideways curvature of the spine, forming an S or C shape. This is different from lordosis and kyphosis, which curve the spine front to back.
Some common signs that you may be suffering from scoliosis are shoulders, waist, or hips that look uneven; ribs that stick out further on one side; or one shoulder blade that is noticeably bigger than the other.

Because the spine is curving abnormally, the space between your vertebrae is compressed, and it pushes on the spinal nerves. This can cause severe nerve pain and radiculopathy. Additionally, the muscles in your back will be consistently tighter and limit your range of motion even more. The abnormal curvature also pushes on your intervertebral discs. This also pushes on your spinal cord and spinal nerves and causes pain.
Idiopathic Scoliosis
This form of scoliosis does not have a clear cause. This form of scoliosis accounts for 80% of cases.
Congenital Scoliosis
This form of scoliosis develops at or before birth. Usually as a result of improper development of the vertebrae in the womb.
Neuromuscular Scoliosis
This develops as a result of comorbidity with a neuromuscular disease such as cerebral palsy. The damaging of muscles around the spine leads to the development of scoliosis.
Degenerative Scoliosis
This tends to develop with the degeneration of the intervertebral discs and joints between vertebrae as a result of old age.